7 Frames - Hellabrunn

  • Where: Hellabrunn Zoo, Munich
  • Camera: Mamiya Press Super 23
  • Lens: Mamiya Sekor 100mm f/2.8
  • Film: Kodak Ektar 100, Kodak Portra 160
  • Scan: Nikon Super Coolscan 9000

These are images from one roll of Kodak Ektar 100 and two rolls of Kodak Portra 160, taken on a trip to Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich. With the 6 cm by 9 cm image size that I get out of the Mamiya Press Super 23, the 100mm lens is far from a zoom lens, roughly around a 43mm lens on 35mm film cameras. It’s not ideal for subjects a bit further away, as they usually tend to be in a zoo. The relatively slow f/2.8 with 100 to 160 ISO film made it hard to get a decent picture of a tiger that paced along the edge of his little island. All I got was a tiger-shaped orange blob.

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